Meant To Be

Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two

Meant To Be

“So that idiot has finally stopped calling?” Livvie asked Gia, grabbing a napkin and wiping off warm pizza sauce smeared at the corner of her mouth.

“Yeah he did and he stopped coming by after Mom told him too.” Gia said in relief as she finished off a second slice of pizza.

“I still can’t believe that Lucky would be interested in Elizabeth Webber. It boggles the mind?” Courtney Corbin who sat with her two friends at the picnic style table, reached for the last piece of pizza from the box.

“Damn Elizabeth Webber, I can’t believe that he cheated on you, know matter who the skank was.” Livvie Collins said. Looking at her best friend Gia Campbell anger overtook her again. “What a creep and for him to try to deny it. Girl, you are good, because I would have beat him up one side of his head and down the other. And then I would have started in on Ms Thang!”

“He’s not worth it. And if she wants him that bad, she can have him. They deserve each other.” Gia added. She was still ticked every time she remembered the vision of Lucky all up on Elizabeth Webber outside of the gym at Port Charles High. She felt like she had been played for a fool.

By now she had accepted that pride feed her anger and not a bruised heart. Even before she saw the evidence with her own eyes, she had been suspicious about the two them, the sly looks and the fact that Elizabeth was always around. But, like an idiot, she had let that forked tongued Lucky Spencer convince her otherwise.

Lucky Spencer had been her first real boyfriend and they had been seeing each other exclusively, or so she thought, for a year, since she was 15 years old. Things hadn’t been going right with the relationship and deep down she had known that inevitably they would break up. Lucky had wanted to move to the next level but Gia hadn’t been ready. To his credit, he didn’t try to pressure her, saying that he could wait until she was ready. Which Gia now knew was a load of crap because he went out and found what he was looking for from someone else. Gia made a conscious choice to wait before she became sexually active but she also knew that as deep as she thought her feeling had been for Lucky she hadn’t been tempted to go all the way. They would have ended things anyway. The betrayal with Elizabeth Webber just speeded things along.

“We all don’t have a Jack Ramsey in our lives. I know he has a brother, but I prefer a clone. Can we clone him?” Gia joked.

“No! He is mine and I have destroyed the original mold so no replicas.” Livvie said quickly to the snickers of her two friends.

Gia Campbell had moved to Port Charles when her mother Florence Campbell was offered the job as Hospital Administrator at General Hospital, about 3 years ago. Her mother had wanted to leave their home in Brooklyn, New York after Gia’s father Harold had passed away. Florence chose Port Charles because Gia’s older brother, Marcus Campbell had accepted a position on the Port Charles police force after he left the New York Police Academy. Florence had needed to have both her children around her after the loss of her husband and their father.

Gia was currently enrolled at Port Charles High; which is where she met Courtney Corbin. Their paths kept crossing because they were in a lot of the same classes, gradually they started to study together and it evolved into a fast friendship. Courtney was born and raised in Port Charles and lived with her mother and father Mike and Janine Corbin. Last year her older half-brother Sonny had come to live with them after the death of his mother. She was just starting to get use to having a protective older brother and she liked it.

It was at General Hospital that Livvie Collins and Gia met. When Gia first came to Port Charles one of the things Florence required her to do was volunteer her time at the hospital in whatever area that needed it. Livvie who was living with her father and stepmother Dr. Kevin Collins and Lucy Coe Collins, after her parents divorce was also volunteering at the hospital when she met Gia. They bonded over what they considered their forced servitude and became friends. Livvies’ father had enrolled her in Kensington Preparatory Academy, which is where she attended. It was through Gia that she met Courtney and it was through Gia that she also met her current boyfriend Jack Ramsey.

“You know Port Charles High isn’t the only place where betrayal is running wild. Jason Quartermaine broke up with Carly Spencer and it wasn’t pretty?” Livvie smirked.

“No!” Courtney said. “What happened?”

“Are you talking about Lucky’s cousin?” Gia piped in.

“Yes, Lucky’s cousin and Courtney what do you mean what happened? Are you telling me you don’t know?” Livvie was giving her a quizzical look.

“No I don’t and why would I?”

“Well, because Ms Carly was tipping with your brother.”


“Yes, Sonny, unless you have another brother. She was seeing him behind Jason’s back and he found out and he dropped her like a ‘hot potato’.” Livvie finished.

“Get out-a-here, I didn’t know that. I mean I haven’t seen her at the house or anything and since Sonny moved out and has a room over Jakes’ we only see him usually on weekends or family dinners. You know Sonny is kind of reserved and still keeps to his self.” She ended in explanation.

“Well, I’m not surprised.” Gia says sarcastically, “she is a Spencer after all and I guess unfaithful is in the genes. I don’t know Jason but he is better off.”

“You have never met Jason Quartermaine?” Livvie asked. “His parents are Dr Monica and Dr Alan.”

“I know both Dr. Quartermaines. I’ve met them at the hospital but I have never met their son Jason. I have met AJ, he’s older and kind of cute too, now that I think about it.”

“Jason is cute and on that motorcycle. WOW!” Courtney fans herself as if she has gotten hot.

“He rides bikes too. Is that where you met him? I thought you only went to those bike races to throw yourself at Jamal?” Gia snickered at Courtney.

“Well, yeah that’s my main agenda, but I also have eyes in my head and Jason Quartermaine is definitely eye candy.”

“That thick luscious blond hair and those gorgeous blue eyes” Livvie had this dreamy look on her face as she mentioned the eyes.       

“Please, I never want to see a blond headed male again. I’ll take a brunette, redhead, a guy with dreads or braids, no even better a baldy, but anything except a blond. And blue eyes? You see one set you’ve seen them all. Urgh!” Gia screwed her face up in distaste and then asked. “Uh, Livvie does Jack know about this hair and eyes fetish you seem to have?”

“Oh, please, Jack knows he has nothing to worry about so I can always look and not touch and trust me I do a lot of looking.”

“Girl, you are crazy” Gia, Courtney and Livvie all laughed. By now, they had finished off the last of the pizza and were just sitting talking about school when they heard motorcycle engines approach. All three young women turned to see three riders park and turn off the bikes. Gia recognized two of the riders as Jack Ramsey and Jamal Woods when they took off their helmets. The third rider she had never seen before but as she watched, his blond hair appear from under the helmet as he took it off and looked their way. Gia’s senses went on full alert as she looked straight into what she realized even at a distance were the most gorgeous blue eyes she had ever seen in her life.

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